Saturday 6 May 2017

Can a men answer this????

I am free in my wildereness... i am a ray of Sunbeam passing through window.. i have innocence like dove.. because i am girl...
i am my fathers seonrita my mothers angel..i have confidence ... and attitude... but something what i dont have is the power of making my decisions.....being a girl i have to face a lot of double bind issues... i am forced to agree to rules formed by so called SOCIETTY..
From birth, I have been one of the many women who have dealt with these kinds of issues. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been told not to walk alone at nighttime, and if I must, to bring someone with me. I never exactly questioned those kinds of things because I was younger and I was just born into that. It seemed normal to me. But as I got older, I started to wonder why women usually almost always have to hurdle over these obstacles. Why do women have to do these things? Why are women put in these boxes and roles?  
And u know what.. just being put into boxes wasn't enough.. that now they have kept me in the problem in which i need to figure out m i safe..?? Are these society norms..
I was kalpana chawla, indira gandhi , pt usha someday.. but do not forget i was nirbhaya and damini too..
Many gave me support when i was nirbhaya,whole india was on street ... but i wanted to ask where were u when all that happened.... In bengaluru case was molested and my video was made... people said 'we r with u ' .. i want to ask " really" 
So why did u capture me in that video. ...
You r the same person who is a police officer , who is a socialist .. but for me u r men.
men who forwards my video.. i have a request. pls do not send such video next time else someone like me will ask u why were u queit when all this was happening...
oh please. i dont need any explanations.. i am fine. i am capable of fighting for my self.. i dont need u... 
but stil if u want to help i won't stop u bcoz u will do it for ur own daugter sister or wife.. not for me....
and just a request let me make my decisions or....  
i will snatch that power from u too... 
Because its my life and its my choice....